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North Truchas Peak (13024 ft)

Another walk in the woods

After some searching for nice mountains in our area, Truchas peak looked promising, especially because it's alpine character. Our first idea to approach the peak from the west turned out to be a problem because of reported vandalism at the trailheads there. If this is still the case, we were not sure, but we decided for not taking a chance and approached from the north.

We drove to St. Barbara campground, parked our car and paid the necessary fee of $2 a day. After the hike, we discovered there is free parking only 100 yards ahead of the campground entrance.

We arrived around 1pm and decided to walk as far as possible this first afternoon. After 5 hours, we were close to the "No Fish Lake" and decided to camp at a spot on a small creek and against camping at the lake itself.

We got up late the next day and started to the peak around 9am. At 10am at the devide, there's a small trail to be seen to the east, but coming closer to the peak, it disappears. So we were free to choose our path up at a 45 degree angle.

We reached the summit at 11am, had a snack and decided to gather our tent and walk all the way back to St. Barbara CG. We reached our car at around 7pm, with burning feet.

(more pictures)
